Typically a standard ECP down discharge until will provide you with cooling for a 15 meter diameter circle. For a technical evaluation of your specific application, speak to our technical team.
The noise from the coolers is not noticeable in an industrial environment. However, if you do have specific noise restrictions, we have options that can help
A combination of cool fresh air and air movement leads to a comfortable work space. Controls ensure that the building is fully purged of cooled air at the end of the day to prevent any build up in humidity.
No, because the circulating water is less than 20C and no droplets are formed
It is believed there are over 30 million installations worldwide. There have never been any cases of Legionnaires’ disease attributed to a wetted media evaporative cooling, as used in EcoCoolers. EcoCooling has developed a sophisticated control system that includes a series of measures to reduce the risk of Legionnaire’s disease, for more information and a risk assessment please contact EcoCooling.
This is dependent upon the ambient conditions but on hot days in the UK, the maximum temperature would be 25C.
A cooler will use an average of 40L per hour over a 24-hour period during hot weather and 1.5kW of electricity.
A single ECP unit costs less than 15p per hour to run using 2019 UK commercial utility costs
Coolers come with an insect screen as standard, with other filtration options available depending on your requirements
No, provided the design is based on a balanced ventilation scheme.
Yes, the units are CE marked and fully comply with LV and EMC regulations.
Two years parts only supply, provided that the unit is serviced by EcoCooling approved engineers.