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Boden Type DC ONE – The most energy and cost efficient data centre prototype in the world. Built around the modular design principles of Ecocooling’s CloudCooler range.

The project, funded by EU’s innovation and research programme Horizon 2020, kicked-off in October 2017. The prototype facility will accomodate 500 kW of IT load and an innovative, holistic design approach for data centres surrounding services.

The Boden Type DC ONE solution offers sustainable data centre building, which is energy and resource efficient throughout its lifecycle, cheaper to build and operate and brings jobs and knowledge to remote places.

The aim of BTDC is to integrate adiabatic fresh air air cooling, modular building design, clean and high quality electricity supplied by renewable energy source, ideal climate and service infrastructure.

November 5: Power connected to BTDC

Construction of the facility’s electrical connection has been completed – a few more days to go and BODENS ENERGI AB (with the help of local subcontractors) will energize the data center – thus bringing the prototype of BodenTypeDC to life. 

Other construction works are running in parallel: a local building partner is painting the suspended ceiling, the Swedish consortium member RISE SICS North is installing optical cables, a Finnish subcontractor is producing the air intake louvres.

In the meantime English consortium member EcoCooling have dispatched cooling machinery for the data center from their CloudCooler range, including ECV18000 freecoolers and ECT10800 evaporative coolers. The shipment will travel via truck-ship-train-truck.

More locally, RISE SICS North will soon deliver the servers from the neighbouring town of Lulea for research support. Everything is on track to finish the prototype on time (before the end of November) so that energy efficiency testing can start during the winter. This gives a full year for test activities to reach ambitious project aims regarding energy- and cost efficiency in DC construction and operation.

December 20: Full load test of the IT equipment in BTDC

Two colleagues from H1 Systems supervised the test of Boden Type DC in person while Swedish research institute partner (RISE) remotely launched and controlled the four hour long, multistage test.

The method to make local measurement data also accessible from distant locations is currently being finalized. Another consortium member, EcoCooling also monitored the operation of their special cooling equipment from their headquarters located in England.

Concerted effort of consortium members preceded the test in the last few weeks: H1 Systems finalized the structure of the building within the projected 14 months. Engineers from EcoCooling commissioned their ECT 10800 evaporative and ECV 18000 freecooler cooling equipment. A team from Forza Hungaria Ltd. installed security and fire protection systems but also contributed to the setting up/mounting of other cooling elements. Last week Rise equipped POD1 with the servers necessary for the test phase. Final adjustments were made: reparation of the optical cable (to improve the quality of internet connection), deployment of OCP servers, cameras and movement detectors.

BBA as the partner responsible for communication activities organized the first official visit to BodenTypeDC.

With the construction phase finished, the test phase is to be launched in the upcoming weeks in order to implement the R&D goals of the H2020 project. Through the testing the consortium will be able to measure the energy consumption of the IT and supporting infrastructure and also to model the replicability of the building in other geographical locations. Operational tasks will be supported by locally based caretakers.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768875.